Two Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing Asset Management Staff Ready to Lead the IREM Columbus Chapter

Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing Asset Managers Anthony Tynan, CPM®, and Ken Shaefer, CPM® will serve as the IREM Columbus Chapter Board President and President Elect, respectively, in 2022.

The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM®) is an international institute for property and asset managers with a mission of advancing the real estate management profession. The IREM Columbus Chapter operates in Columbus and the surrounding area and serves as a local network for Chapter members. The local Chapter Board of Directors facilitates and furthers IREM activities within the local market.

Mr. Tynan is entering his fifth year of service having previously served as a Director, Secretary/Treasurer and President Elect. He has worked at OCCH, most recently as a Senior Asset Manager since 2012.

Mr. Shaefer is entering his third year of service having previously served as a Director and Secretary/Treasurer. He has worked at OCCH as an Asset Manager since 2017.